Date and Time: 26th – 28th Oct 2020 between 1:00 am to 2: 00 pm
Organizers: Value Education Cell and First Year Engineering Department
Convener: Dr. Anushka Patil
Coordinator: Dr. Sanjay Patil

Founder, Nandadeep Netralaya, Sangli
President, Jeevan Vidya Mission, Sangli
- To acquaint teachers and students Universal Human values (UHV)
- To inculcate Universal Human Values with work ethics
- To develop positive and holistic approach in life
Day – 1
Topic- Human Values
Date 26 Oct 2020
Day and Time: Monday, 1:00-2:00 pm The event started with national anthem.Prof. S. E. Narwade welcomed the guests Dr Dileep Patwardhan, Dr. Amit Shesh (Coordinator, Value Education Cell, DBATU, Lonere, Raigad)
Prof. Sanjay Patil in introductory speech explained the outline of online workshop with its objectives. Amit Chavan introduced the resourse person and guest speaker Dr. Amit Shesh.
Dr Amit Shesh in his speech enforced the importance of values in society and day today life.Human values is an integral part of education & it must be inclusive everything which is necessary for the common good of the society. In the days of technology and innovation value and moral lessons are equally important
Dr. D. V. Ghewade (Principal,PVPIT, Budhgoan) also welcomed resource person Dr. Dileep Patwardhan and guest speaker Dr. Amit Shesh
Guest of honor and speeker Dr. Dileep Patwardhan in his speech pointed out certain explained with references and real life examples.The key terms and points :
- Difference between Ethics and Values
- Laws of nature are Eternal, Secular and Universal
- To follow Universal Human Values certain qualities are required such as truth, Honesty ,Loyalty Love and Peace etc.
- Equality, Respect, Understanding, Tolerance, Flexibility and Gratitude explained references from mythology and stated the importance of all these in current world of advancement of knowledge and technology and degrading morale which desired material satisfaction. He illustrated a firm belief with collective effort with wheels of human values of every human being definitely lead to real and eternal happiness
Mrs.Smita Mandale offered vote of thanks
Day – 2
Topic- ‘Work Ethics’ (Love your work)
Date 27 Oct 2020
Day and Time: Tuesday, 1:00-2:00 pm
The second day began with the introduction of guest of honour and speaker Dr. Dileep Patwardhan. He were also welcomed by Dr. D. V. Ghewade (Principal,PVPIT, Budhgaon, Sangli)
Dr. Dileep Patwardhan in his speech explaining the
- Attitude of today as uncaring, ignorant, based on blind faith and ignorant.
- Signified the difference between arrogance and confidence
- Strategies to overcome a negative mindset
- The favorable and unfavorable situations of work
- The reasons of love in work stations.
- The expectancy of every human beings in interaction
- The importance of honest and sincere efforts
- The reverence for responsibility
- The implications of skill, capability, competence
- Love for a work will lead towards innovation, creative imagination, Lateral thinking and Out of the Box thinking.
- Attitude of ‘Gratitude’ to unlock the fulfillment in Life
Mrs. Shivani Jagtap offered vote of thanks
Day – 3
Topic- ‘Positive Thinking’
Date 26 Oct 2020
Day and Time: Wednesday, 1:00-2:00 pm
The third day of this started with welcome note for the guest Dr Dileep Patwardhan, Dr. D. V. Ghewade (Principal,PVPIT, Budhgaon, Sangli) and all the participants by Prof. Amit Chavan
Dr. Dileep Patwardhan in last session referred and explained the following points.
- The impact of Positive thinking in personal and professional life.
- Setting up the Properties and priorities for the achievement of goals of life.
- The interdependency and synchronization of physical and mental health.
- Day today activities, smile, listen to enact positive thinking.
- Praise, respect, joy of giving (donate)
- Exercise, laugh, yoga, and meditation as solutions of depression.
Dr. D. V. Ghewade (Principal,PVPIT, Budhgaon, Sangli) mentioned a note gratitude for the guest Dr Dileep Patwardhan and encouraged all the participants to apply the takeaways of the workshop in personal and professional life in his valedictory speech and Dr. S. L. Patil delivered a vote of thanks.
Thank you for reading!