Degree Instrumentation and Control Engineering : Laboratory

Sr No Name Laboratory In Charge Lab Assistant Area Sq.M Total Investment


Process Instrumentation Lab Prof. Vikas L. Karade Mr. D. S. Vhanmane 77 14 Lacs


Transducer and Measurement Lab Prof. Smita S. Patil Mr. D. S. Vhanmane 77 7.8 Lacs
3. Automation Lab Prof. Sagar S. Sutar Mr. D. S. Vhanmane 74 16.92 Lacs
4. Instrumentation Project Lab Prof. Rajendra More Mr. D. S. Vhanmane 71 8.53 Lacs


Computer Lab Prof. Najuka B. Jagtap Mr. D. S. Vhanmane 68 16.3 Lacs

Process Instrumentation Lab

1. Name of Laboratory Process Instrumentation & Control
2. Area of Laboratory 77 Sq.M
3. Laboratory In-charge Prof. Vikas L. Karade
4. Laboratory Assistant Mr. D. S. Vhanmane
5. Laboratory Investment 14 Lacs
6. List of Major Equipment Flow Control Trainer
Temperature Control Trainer
Pressure Control Trainer
Level Control Trainer
Split Range Controller
Multi Process TrainerCascade & Ratio control Trainer,
Interacting & Non Interacting two tank system, Analog PID Simulator
7. Photograph

Transducer and Measurement Lab

1. Name of Laboratory Transducer and Measurement Lab
2. Area of Laboratory 77 Sq.M
3. Laboratory In-charge Prof. Smita S. Patil
4. Laboratory Assistant Mr. D. S. Vhanmane
5. Laboratory Investment 7.8 Lacs
6. List of Major Equipment Tutor For Study of L.V.D.T.
Tutor For Study of L.D.R.
Tutor For Study of R.T.D.
Tutor For Study of Inductive pickup
Tutor For Study of Capacitive
Tutor For Study of Strain gauge
Tutor For Study of Thermistor (PTC)
Tutor For Study of Thermistor (NTC)
Function Generator and CRO
Photo Electric and Magnetic PickupIndustrial optical sensor and training kit (Food grade

Industrial control valve training kit (Food grade)

7. Photograph

Automation Lab

1. Name of Laboratory Automation Lab
2. Area of Laboratory 74 Sq.M
3. Laboratory In-charge Prof. Sagar S. Sutar
4. Laboratory Assistant Mr. D. S. Vhanmane
5. Laboratory Investment 16.92 Lacs
6. List of Major Equipment P.L.C and SCADA Trainer Hybrid Controller
PLC Allen Bradley
DCS Trainer
Neutrilization Reactor
Micrologics 11000
7. Photograph

Instrumentation Project Lab

1. Name of Laboratory Instrumentation Project Lab
2. Area of Laboratory 71 Sq.M
3. Laboratory In-charge Prof. Rajendra S. More
4. Laboratory Assistant Mr. D. S. Vhanmane
5. Laboratory Investment 8.53 Lacs
6. List of Major Equipment Pneumatic Trainer

Control Valve Characteristics’
PLC Trainer
Automation Studio (Software)
Flow Control Trainer
Cut Section of Control Valve
P to I converter
Temperature Measurement system
Advanced Pneumatic Circuit Trainer

7. Photograph

Computer Lab

1. Name of Laboratory Computer Lab
2. Area of Laboratory 68 Sq.M
3. Laboratory In-charge Prof. Najuka B. Jagtap
4. Laboratory Assistant Mr. D. S. Vhanmane
5. Laboratory Investment 16.3 Lacs
6. List of Major Equipment MATLAB/Simulink


7. Photograph

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